> 春节2024 > 用英文说过年的事情有哪些




春节(Spring Festival) is an important festival in China. It is a time when families come together to celebrate and usher in the new year. During the festival, there are many traditional activities and customs that people engage in.

One of the main activities during the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner. Families gather on New Year\'s Eve to have a big feast together. This is a time for family members to catch up with each other and enjoy a delicious meal. The reunion dinner is seen as a symbol of family unity and happiness.

Another popular tradition during the Spring Festival is the giving and receiving of red envelopes. Red envelopes, or \"hongbao\" in Chinese, are small red packets that contain money. They are usually given by married couples and older family members to children and unmarried individuals. The red envelopes symbolize good luck and wishes for a prosperous year ahead.

In addition to these traditions, there are also various cultural activities and performances that take place during the Spring Festival. Lion and dragon dances are common sights during this time. These colorful and lively performances are believed to bring good luck and scare away evil spirits. Fireworks and firecrackers are also set off to ward off bad luck and bring happiness and prosperity.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time for people to come together, celebrate, and look forward to a new year filled with joy and good fortune.


The Chinese Spring Festival is a traditional holiday that celebrates the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It is a time when families gather together to honor ancestors, pay respects to gods, and wish for good luck in the coming year. During this festival, there are several important customs and traditions.

One of the most significant customs is the Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner. This meal is a feast that includes various symbolic dishes, such as fish, dumplings, and rice cakes. Each dish has a specific meaning, such as prosperity, good fortune, and family unity.

Another important tradition is the giving and receiving of red envelopes. Red envelopes, or \"hongbao,\" are given to children and unmarried individuals as a symbol of good luck and blessings. The amount of money inside the red envelope is usually an even number, which is considered auspicious.

During the Spring Festival, people also visit temples and pray for blessings. They light incense and offer sacrifices to deities, seeking protection and prosperity for the year ahead. Lantern festivals are also held during this time, with colorful lanterns lighting up the night sky.

The Chinese Spring Festival is a time of joy, unity, and hope for a prosperous future. It is a time when people come together to celebrate their heritage and create lasting memories with their loved ones.


There are three common expressions to refer to the Spring Festival in English: \"Spring Festival,\" \"Chinese New Year,\" and \"The Spring Festival.\" All of these expressions convey the same meaning and are used interchangeably.

When referring to the Lunar New Year\'s Eve, it is often called \"the lunar New Year\'s Eve\" or \"New Year\'s Eve of the lunar calendar.\" This is the night before the Spring Festival and is considered the most important time for family gatherings and celebrations.


Here is a comprehensive list of English words related to various holidays:

- New Year\'s Day: 元旦

- Spring Festival: 春节

- Lantern Festival: 元宵节

- International Working Women\'s Day: 国际劳动妇女节

- Arbor Day: 植树节

- Dragon Boat Festival: 端午节

- Mid-Autumn Festival: 中秋节

- National Day: 国庆节

- Christmas: 圣诞节

- Thanksgiving: 感恩节

- Halloween: 万圣节

- Valentine\'s Day: 情人节

- Easter: 复活节

- Independence Day: 独立日

- Labor Day: 劳动节

- Veterans Day: 退伍军人节

- April Fools\' Day: 愚人节

- Children\'s Day: 儿童节

These are just a few examples, but there are many more holidays celebrated around the world.


There are several things people usually do before the Spring Festival:

- Cleaning the room: 打扫房间. This is a common tradition in China where people clean their homes to get rid of bad luck and welcome good fortune.

- Buying new clothes: 买新衣服. It is believed that wearing new clothes during the Spring Festival will bring good luck and fresh start to the new year.

- Making a new year plan: 制定一个新年计划. Many people take this opportunity to set goals and resolutions for the coming year, such as learning a new skill or traveling to a new place.

- Reunion with family: 与家人团聚. The Spring Festival is a time for family members to come together and spend quality time with each other. It is a time for catching up and strengthening family bonds.

- Shopping for festive items: 购买过节用品. People often go shopping for decorations, food, and other festive items to prepare for the celebrations during the Spring Festival.

These activities symbolize fresh beginnings, good luck, and family unity.


While Spring Festival and Christmas are both important holidays celebrated by different cultures, there are similarities and differences between the two:


- Family gatherings: Both Spring Festival and Christmas are occasions when families come together to celebrate and spend time with each other. It is a time for reunion and strengthening family bonds.

- Traditional food: Both holidays have traditional food associated with them. For example, at Spring Festival, Chinese people always eat dumplings and New Year\'s cakes, symbolizing good luck and unity. Similarly, Christmas is known for dishes like roasted turkey and Christmas pudding.


- Religious significance: Christmas has religious significance as it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ in Christian traditions. Spring Festival, on the other hand, is rooted in Chinese culture and does not have a direct religious association.

- Timing: Christmas is celebrated on December 25th every year, while the date of Spring Festival varies as it follows the lunar calendar. It typically falls between January and February.

- Cultural customs: The customs and traditions associated with Spring Festival and Christmas are unique to their respective cultures. For example, Chinese people decorate their homes with red lanterns and couplets during Spring Festival, while Christmas is known for Christmas trees, stockings, and Santa Claus.

Despite the differences, both holidays share the spirit of joy, unity, and celebration.


过年(Spending the Spring Festival) refers to the activities and customs associated with celebrating the Chinese New Year. It is a time of joy and excitement for Chinese people all around the world. Here are some interesting things that happen during the Spring Festival:

- Fireworks: 放炮. Fireworks are set off during the Spring Festival to welcome the new year and bring good luck. The colorful explosions in the sky create a festive and joyous atmosphere.

- Red lanterns: 红灯笼. Red lanterns are a common sight during the Spring Festival. They are believed to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits. Streets and houses are adorned with these vibrant lanterns.

- Dragon and lion dances: 龙狮舞. Dragon and lion dances are traditional performances that are held during the Spring Festival. Dancers in colorful costumes mimic the movements of these mythical creatures, bringing joy and prosperity to the communities.

- Dumpling making: 包饺子. Making dumplings is a fun and interactive activity during the Spring Festival. Family members gather together to wrap dumplings with various fillings, symbolizing unity and wholesomeness.

- Lantern festival: 元宵节. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. Colorful lanterns are lit up and displayed, and people participate in lantern riddle games and enjoy traditional performances.

These are just a few examples of the interesting and enjoyable things that happen during the Spring Festival. It is a time of celebration, tradition, and creating precious memories with loved ones.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar and lasts for 15 days, culminating in the Lantern Festival.

During the Spring Festival, people engage in various activities and customs. One of the most important traditions is the reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. Families come together to have a lavish feast and enjoy each other\'s company. Traditional dishes like fish, dumplings, and rice cakes are eaten for their symbolic meanings of prosperity and good luck.

Red envelopes containing money are given to children and unmarried individuals. These red envelopes symbolize good luck and blessings for the new year. It is also common for children to receive new clothes to wear during the festivities, as it is believed to bring good fortune.

Temples are visited during the Spring Festival, where people pray for blessings and offer sacrifices. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off during the celebrations to ward off evil spirits and bring joy and prosperity.

The Spring Festival is a time for families to come together, pay respects to ancestors, and celebrate the start of a new year with hopes for happiness, good health, and success.


There are several holidays celebrated in both Eastern and Western cultures, each with its own unique traditions and customs:

- New Year\'s Day: In both Eastern and Western cultures, New Year\'s Day is celebrated as the beginning of a new year. People often gather with family and friends, have special meals, and watch fireworks or attend parties.

- Spring Festival/Chinese New Year: This is the most important festival in China, as mentioned earlier. Families come together for a reunion dinner, exchange red envelopes, and participate in various cultural activities.

- Christmas: Christmas is a major holiday in Western cultures, especially in countries with Christian traditions. It celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is marked by gift-giving, decorating Christmas trees, attending church services, and sharing meals with loved ones.

- Easter: Easter is another significant holiday in Western cultures, particularly for Christians. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is often observed through church services, Easter egg hunts, and family gatherings.

- Halloween: Halloween is widely celebrated in Western countries, especially the United States. It is known for activities like trick-or-treating, costume parties, carving pumpkins, and decorating homes with spooky themes.

- Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is primarily celebrated in the United States and Canada. It is a time for people to express gratitude and appreciation. Families come together for a special meal, often featuring roasted turkey, and reflect on what they are thankful for.

These are just a few examples of holidays celebrated in both Eastern and Western cultures. Each holiday has its own unique customs and traditions that reflect the values and beliefs of the respective cultures.


The Chinese character \"年\" (nian) holds special significance and is associated with several legends and customs:

- Nian legend: According to an ancient Chinese legend, Nian was a mythical beast that would come out every year to prey on villagers. However, it was discovered that Nian was afraid of the color red, loud noises, and fire. This is why people wear red clothes, set off firecrackers, and hang up red decorations during the Spring Festival.

- Firecrackers: 放鞭炮. Firecrackers are set off during the Spring Festival to scare away evil spirits and ensure a joyous and prosperous new year. The loud noises are believed to drive away any negativity or bad luck.

- Couplets: 贴对联. Placard couplets are a form of decor that consists of two vertical strips of red paper with poetic phrases written on them. They are typically hung on both sides of the doorway and are meant to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

- Dumpling making: 包饺子. Making dumplings is a popular activity during the Spring Festival. The shape of the dumplings is said to resemble ancient Chinese currency, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Eating dumplings during the festivities is believed to bring good luck and fortune.

These customs and traditions associated with the \"年\" character are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and play an essential role in warding off evil spirits, attracting good fortune, and celebrating the new year.